
What is Race Services, Inc.?

We're an organization of volunteers committed to promoting the cause of road racing enthusiasts, and promoting Watkins Glen International as a world leader in road racing.

We make up the safety team, while providing support with Flagging and Communications; Grid; Paddock; Pits; Start-Finish and Worker Support.

Want to share your excitement of racing - come on down and join our team that supports Watkins Glen International!


Upcoming RSI Events
Updated 2/08/2024

What's coming up next at The Glen?  Mark on your calendars:

Event DateEvent Page
Motorsport Safety Seminar3/29
MassTuning TrackFest4/12-4/13
NASA Northeast*4/25-4/27
American Endurance Racing*5/02-5/04

  Competitive Event - Need two flaggers per station.
** Spectator Event

Elections Results

Here are the results from Saturday's RSI Officer's and Board of Directors' Elections for the 2025 Season:

President (1-Year Term):

Maury Starr - 29
Deb Mallen - 28

3-Year Board Member Seat #1:

Jeff Fox - 37
Deb Mallen - 19
No Vote - 1

3-Year Board Member Seat #2:

Barb Lissow - 41
Deb Mallen - 14
No Vote - 2

Congratulation to all the winners!  We thank the outgoing President, Mark Turner for his services for the 2024 season.

RSI Annual Meeting/ Elections

On November 2nd, Race Services is holding their Annual Meeting and elections at 12:00pm in the Media Center.  In order to be eligible to vote, attending members must be signed in by 12:00pm.  Any absentee ballots must be received by 9:00am on Saturday, November 2nd.  The following positions are up for election.

President (1 Year)

Maury Starr

Deb Mallen

3-Year Board Member Seat #1

Jeff Fox (Incumbent)

Deb Mallen

3-Year Board Member Seat #2

Barb Lissow (Incumbent)

Deb Mallen

End of Season Schedule

 Sun 10/275:30pm (approx)Champagne ToastStart/Finish
 Sat/Sun 11/02-03 Campground OPENRSI Campground
Sat 11/0212:00pmRSI Annual MeetingMedia Center
Sat 11/025:00pmEnd of Year SocialJack Daniels Club
Sat 11/026:00pmEnd of Year DinnerJack Daniels Club
Sun 11/0312:00pmCampground CLOSES for SeasonRSI Campground

2024 RSI Membership Meetings

These are the dates for our RSI Membership Meetings for the 2025 season.  These meetings are usually held at the pavilion in the RSI Campground approximately 1 hour after the last checkered flag of the day.

Meeting Date:Event: Comments:
May TBA  
June TBA  
July TBA  
August TBA  
September TBA  
October TBA  
November TBA  


Randy Berry 1957-2022

We are saddened to learn that this evening Randy Berry has passed away from his battle of cancer.  Randy has been part of the Race Services, Inc. family since the beginning of the organization 20+ years ago.  Randy started in F&C then joined Start/Finish and bounced around where needed.  Randy was an assistant flag chief, and for the last several years served as a member of the Board.  Randy was a friend, and a mentor to many.  He will be missed by all who have worked with him.

Randy Berry funeral information:

The family will be receiving friends and family on Wednesday, July 13th from 5pm-8pm with a small service to follow immediately afterwards.  The address is: Cedar Heights Brethren in Christ Church.  37 Cedar Heights, Mill Hall, PA 17751

Snail and E-Mail
Are you getting emails and/or snail mail from RSI? If not, please reach out to David Kozlowski at (716) 785-5343 or davidkozlowski1@gmail.com

RSI Apparel
Don Logan is selling RSI apparel, and has now added white windbreakers to his menu. You can find samples and order information in the Members Only section. The file is titled Don_Logan_Apparel.pdf

Website Accessibility Statement

Race Services, Inc. (RSI) | PO Box 84 Watkins Glen, NY 14891
Home Contact